
Parkinson’s Awareness Month

Fitness for Parkinson’s Disease 60,000 people are diagnosed each year with Parkinson’s Disease, majority of whom are over the age of 50. With April being Parkinson’s Awareness Month we wanted to highlight one of our devoted clients, Bill, who has been...

What is inflammation?

What is inflammation? We keep hearing about inflammation in the body causing all horrible things that limit the quality of our lives. But, how?  Let’s understand what inflammation is.  Inflammation is our body’s natural response when our body’s encounter...

10 Minute Salmon Salad

  10 Minute Salad Recipe! Try this 10 minute healthy lunch! This literally took Sine, actually Lincoln, about 10 minutes to prepare. Your body and mind will thank you for it. Eat good, feel good! Wallace Fitness™ doesn’t believe in fad diets. We...

Butternut Squash Soup in Pumpkin Bowls 

Butternut Squash Soup in Pumpkin Bowls  To make the bowls. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Get some small/medium baking pumpkins cut around the stem far enough to make it easy to eat the soup. Scoop out the seeds and guts. Feel free to save the seeds to roast them...

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